Easy In-Home Workouts That Get Rid of Holiday Pounds

Well, now Thanksgiving is over and we are going into a hardcore food coma and don’t think there is any hope of coming back to a healthy lifestyle.

However, there are a few moves that you can do at home when you get back to your apartment or house after this holiday season to lose those pounds of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing.

The first is an ab workout called “Abs On Fire” via Pinterest. It is an ab workout that combines both simple moves and repetitions to make those ab muscles burn.


The second workout that will save you money that you can do at home is called “One Song Workout” to Kanye West’s song “Power.” This workout combines different moves to work multiple areas of the body including jumping jacks, crunches, and squats and more. This workout is also via Pinterest.


Both workouts target key parts of the body associated most with fat and gives you an easy solution that you can do at home. It gives you a chance to not have to walk all the way to the gym and doesn’t require much room to do them. It is a good way to work on losing the extra pounds of turkey that were consumed at Thanksgiving dinner!

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