Paleo: were the ancestors right?

A diet that I have been hearing about for quite some time is the Paleo Diet. By definition, paleo means a healthy way of life because it is designed to work with your body’s genetics to help you stay lean, strong, and energetic, as according to I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it or even if I should do it, but one of my friends said it was one of the best things she has ever done.

My friend, Dedee, is a vegetarian and has been for about a year. She said it was difficult at first because she was worried there would be very few options for her. That is when she started researching the paleo diet.

“I found it to be both helpful and easy to do. There are many different recipes that are easier to find on sites, such as Pinterest, than I thought.”

The basis of a healthy paleo diet is:

lean proteins- turkey, seafood, chicken

fruits and vegetables

healthy fats- avocados, olive oil, fish oil, nuts

The nice thing about this diet is that you don’t necessarily have to be vegetarian to get the proper benefits out of this diet. It is based on gaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a balance of foods.

Some of the benefits of this diet are (as according to

1. More effective workouts

2. Clear skin and better teeth

3. Improved sleep patterns

My goal for the next few weeks is to give the paleo life a try since I am going to be having surgery soon and won’t have the option to work out. I will also use the recommendations of the nutritionist from past posts, JoAnn Daehler-Miller, by buying frozen vegetables and frozen lean meats. Olive oil lasts a long time since you only need a little bit as well as nuts. I will let you all know my progress as I go!