Eat This, Not That: Breakfast

16512_10152846910085000_5704419023081986553_n        EAT THIS




Many people chose breakfast that is quick, easy, and cheap to get them by in the mornings. While some places say they offer “healthier” options, that is not always the case, especially at places like McDonald’s. This video provides information to be able to help you chose the right options to put on a breakfast sandwich that is also cost effective and healthy to you.

I personally love breakfast sandwiches in the morning. As I am definitely not a morning person, this gives me a way to make a meal that gets me through the morning and is delicious as well. These are my favorite ingredients in the picture:


The prices for the items provided in the video (Walmart):

Eggs – $3.24

Wheat Bread/Bagel Thins – $1.98

Tomatoes – $1.48 per pound

Bell Peppers – $3.88

Thin Cheese Slices – $2.88

Remember that you can put whatever veggies you desire on the sandwich, these are just ideas to get you started! Eggs are always a good idea in the morning!

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