Eat This, Not That: Lunch and Dinner


 9e8df2876a9e544b2801fc3d8f6e8b4aEAT THIS

8bd2c836994b666ec7290d871dd59878NOT THAT

This video provides your basic food pyramid needs with a healthier way without breaking the bank.

Lunch and Dinner are the meals that I struggle with the most as they give the most options to eat. Thankfully, the options that are given in the video are not only cost effective as in you get your money for the product but they are also versatile so you don’t have to eat the same meal over and over again. These are my favorite ingredients shown in the picture:


The prices for the food shown in the video (Walmart):

Quinoa – $5.48

Grilled Ready cut chicken breast – $6.98

(If you prefer a frozen chicken breast – $5.48)

Bell Peppers – $3.88

Tomatoes – $1.48 per pound

Steamfresh Vegetables – $1.00

Again, it is all about what favorite veggies and sauces you desire to put on your quinoa and chicken creation. Like I say in the video though, pick sauces with low sodium content!

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